Thursday, December 16, 2010

Prescription Drug Abuse..On the Rise? Or Reincarnation of War on Drugs?

Watched the local news last night: Headline was: "Increased efforts by Law enforcement to crack down on prescription drug abuse". I did not "buy it". There has been no more increase in prescription drug abuse than there has been an increase in alcoholism. So why the hype?

In the 80's there was the : "Just say No":  campaign, which showed the complete ignorance of the body politic of drug addiction and alcoholism. Coincidentally that was also the period of the treatment center boon. Alcoholism and drug addiction were; "qualified disabilities" by the Social Security administration guidelines. In Rhode Island alone there were as many as 8 Treatment centers for drug and alcohol abuse. Nationally, there were staggering numbers of these facilities opening their doors, with prices tags ranging from $26000.00 to $48,000.00 from a 28 day stay. It appeared Alcoholics and Addicts were "un-mined" Gold.

In The Mid to Late 1980's there was a Federally funded  program : "The War on Drugs" started. It targeted the large drug dealers of Columbia and South America and their associates in the States. In short it failed miserably. But it led to the discovery that: There was more money in arresting and jailing alcoholics and drug addicts than there was in treating them.

MADD stepped up their efforts and managed to gain some power and "took out" , the; probable cause law from the legal system. Law enforcement could stop at will any driver they thought was "suspicious". Of course any person out in the evening on a Friday or Saturday night was suspicious. Also, the level of intoxication by breathalyzer reading was also lowered and has been ever since. The penalties for drunk driving or Driving under the influence was raised to lengthy jail sentences. ( The last I was aware of, was 25 years for third offense DUI). New jails were built and an entire industry of arresting alcoholics and addicts was born. Coincidentally< The alcoholics and addicts were now disqualified from Disability benefits: by the very fact of they were alcoholic or drug addicted at any time, in their past.> Strange, It was no longer a "disease": but now a matter of lacking morals, and a matter of choice: bad choice.

What happened to the War on Drugs? Well by all appearances, minus the occasional arrest of a drug kingpin, which made the news, It all but died. But alas: witness it's rebirth.....In the beginning It was re focused on the minority neighborhoods, and the small meth and crack dealers. Mostly underprivileged youth looking for a " shortcut" to the American dream. The arrest of the " small" dealers had literally no effect on the drug distribution in any area. One would be arrested, and three would take their place.But it jailed many; mostly minorities who could not get adequate legal representation.

The new" rise" in prescription drug abuse? Prescription drug abuse has been around for a long, long time.  The abusers are addicts plain and simple. But why the sudden focus, like it is a new trend?

Big Money! Law enforcement has been arresting Doctors, and patients. ( The privilege of Doctor /Patient confidentiality has been eradicated)  The DEA monitors prescriptions dispensed and views the Doctor's Medical recommendations through the lens of : " Community Norms" .

To explain this new criteria: "Community Norms". It is oversimplified here but will summarize the theory: If all the average people in an area, being treated by physician for chronic pain, require 3 Ibuprofen for their Pain management: This becomes the community Norm. So, In essence if a patient presents with a sprained ankle or broken finger, It is the same, in this view, as: Cancer patients, and Other chronic pain disorders. When a Doctor attempts to treat their more serious pain patients conditions, by prescribing any Class of medication other than OTC pain control. . It triggers a " Red Flag"  with Law enforcement. The Doctor has to be able to " explain" their treatment and prescribing practices or face the " inquisition" of any number of Law enforcement agencies and possibly be arrested.

Little wonder most Doctors, are frightened, and hesitant to attempt to treat serious pain patients, with debilitating conditions. The patients can find No relief for their condition, and often are discarded, and forced to go to local Emergency rooms to get temporary pain relief. Spoke with a physician the other day: They stated: " they do not dispense any Pain medication whatsoever, regardless the condition".  Could anyone blame them? Doctors generally have money, and targeting them < is pure Profit genius at work.

This is not say; there Does not exist a serious problem with the abuse of prescription drugs. There is and it has been around for a very long time. The abusers are drug addicts: The medication prescribed; can form a dependency in any person, and addiction to the "med" is often a realistic outcome for many. But this requires medical monitoring and treatment and education. Not arrests of Doctors and patients.

Though the Illegal sale of the prescribed medication, by patients;  is, and should be, qualified as a crime. Law enforcement has found the " Golden Cow"  for funding the "War On Drugs" all over again. Increased budgets for building a force of agents, and stiffer sentences for those who violate the Law. More jails and more jobs for correctional officers. It is completely understandable and to an effect; desirable. We all want a "safer" community and one free of drugs and illegal activities. But drug addicts are physically sick people, who need treatment.

Though "they" may be a "collateral damage" factor, when estimating the need for enforcement.There seems to be no apparent reduction of drug addiction, by these efforts. Only a Fearful Medical community; not willing to treat their patients, with medical procedures and prescription medication, when such is indicated. There is also a  large group of chronic pain patients who suffer needlessly because of the " community norm" model.
The Patient /Doctor confidentiality privilege needs to be maintained. If not: patients in agonizing pain will seek remedy by illegal means or any means necessary for relief. Thus fueling the Illegal Sale of prescription drugs or a rise in alcohol abuse.

Having no privilege of confidentiality: What drug addict or alcoholic,( seeking help) in their right mind, would mention their activities  to a Doctor; who might report them to Law enforcement? Remember most of them. do not believe they are addicted or even have a problem. So, the addiction problem grows, and alcohol abuse will rise as Pain Patients will seek relief through readily available and Legal means.

This blog is not an attack on the Law enforcement efforts, It is a request to review the actions and consider: Medical conditions need Medical treatment. History provides a lesson: Prohibition brought about an entire industry of "underground" methods to get alcohol. Yet did not curb American's desire for alcohol. This effort is creating a similar situation. Some States now have doctors who are setting up shop: Take a quick MRI and then prescribe Narcotics, to patients, collect a nice little profit and "treat" the next " patient" . Sort of the modern day: " speakeasy".

Though, certain there are no easy answers; treatment is surely needed, as well as education about Addiction and Dependency. The illegal activities do need " shut down" and prosecuted.Law enforcement needs support to assist their efforts. An community that is aware, and educated can provide such assistance.

While the budget for arresting and jailing offenders has grown, There have been sharp cut-backs in available funding for Treatment and Education of the Addicts and Community. Hopefully this will be reviewed.

Addiction and Alcoholism are real Medical diseases and require treatment. "They" were correct in earlier decades in the AMA stating such. The change took place because no one had any idea of the gravity of the problem. ( and of course there were those who used the system to get a Free ride.) So the AMA rescinded their previous declaration of " disease". Now the " disease" has reached epidemic proportions, and treatment is " classified: as "self-help/self improvement."

If you or a loved one are Taking prescription meds or experiencing a lack of control with alcohol or gambling or any other compulsive behavior. There is help available. In complete confidence. Contact Us Today. Our service is Free! A New life can be found through a Holistic approach Treatment ( One that includes Medical evaluation and alternative therapies geared towards your total health; through an individually developed treatment plan.) We can guide you. There is hope!

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