Friday, December 3, 2010

Todays Observance of Inadequate Recovery Treatment Addiction & Alcoholism

Today : I had a chance to visit with some new Girls in Recovery House locally. I was taken aback when I realized how really lost they were. They seemed to have no direction and no idea what they being treated for. Yet; They all had individual counselors assigned.
Seems like the typical protocol has been to refer to 12 step meetings and let " them figure it out". Then report back to the counselor what they have discovered. Thankfully they were finding some support at the 12 step meetings, but it seemed like the counselors, were doing nothing more than journaling client' activities. . I  found this to be plain sad. So; I did I as normally do. I took some time and helped explain to the girls some basic things about the meetings and recovery in general. . Then listened to them describe their difficulties.I offered some suggestions and left my phone number for contact. ( Urging them to use it.) I also provided several other people's numbers for contacts. 
It occurred to me to this practice is not limited to the local area, it is a national trend. Certified counselors are dropping the ball ( Not all of course but far too many) They are not individualizing treatment programs for the client : They are short-cutting to the " one size fits all ( Least amount of work ) route.
Clients deserve the best of our ability and all of our effort. We need be up to date with information and alternatives, and consults with Medical and Holistic Practitioners. Clients deserve every effort we can make to hlp them change their lives.

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