Friday, December 3, 2010

Is There an Addiction Problem in your Business?

Is addiction or Professional Burn-out in your organization? Best to find out before the costs accumulate.
Not only is there the humanitarian interest; the cost to a business: the loss of a trained and
productive employee can be considerable.
I am a Professional Addictions Consultant: I am available to your organization for consultation with Management, and Owners, and Human resource departments. I can also provide: workshops, and guest lecturers; to speak to your employees, managers, or group. These speakers are experts in their respective fields and part of my network. They Include Medical Doctors, Research PhD’s,Practitioners, Inspirational and Motivational speakers, Authors, and Celebrities: Who can educate motivate and intervene.
I am also a Treatment Liaison, for many of the Treatment centers nationwide. I am available to visit your location and conduct casual assessments, and develop Your organization’s plan for eliminating the problem, help you to identify potential problems and provide you with literature and direct contact referral: for those you suspect are having difficulties: all in complete confidentiality.
I have over 20 years in the Alcohol/ Addiction Treatment field and an impressive success rate with clients, both business and addicts / alcoholics themselves.
A New area we have been working in is: “Professional Burn-out” we have discovered this to be a growing problem in many High-stress or performance related positions: High Level Executives,Business Owners, Judges, Lawyers, Sales Staff, Firefighters, Law Enforcement…Of course this is an area which requires the strictest adherence to complete confidentiality, and You will find we have Never, had a breach! These individuals are often difficult to approach given their position and what exposure could mean in terms of loss. Our Professional Burn-out Program is tailor-made for these individuals, and addresses the causes and works from a Holistic approach to remedy the problem.
Including: Medical evaluation and alternative therapies.
So Who is the Addict?: In some instances this will be quite obvious, but more than likely “they” have been able to avoid detection. “They” are not being purposefully deceptive: They are often unaware themselves; (What
they believed to be recreational enjoyment is actually the early stages of addiction.) 
** ( Addiction will be the term used from this point forward to address both: Drug Addiction and or Alcoholism). 
One component of the disease, almost universal, is: “Denial”. The addicted justifies their behavior and ignores warning signs there might exist a problem. Being an Employer, this makes the task of identifying “troubled” employees even more difficult. Some warning signs to watch for:
- Frequent tardiness or missing work
- Lethargy or loss of interest, maybe loss of their normal humor or lack of social engagements
- Decrease in work productivity or work quality; missed deadlines…
- Changes in behavior, attitude or occasionally physical signs, appearance, grooming,
shakiness, nervous energy, isolation
- Smell of alcohol, or heavy masking scents cologne, perfume, mouthwash, mints,etc.
The list is by no means comprehensive just some basic signs, that might be observed. The most definitive parameter: would be changes in work product and other “Changes” you might observe.
You, more than likely conduct periodic performance reviews or directly observe employees work habits. As part of such review you might need to get a bit: ”personal” and ask questions tactfully about any problems the employee might be experiencing. On Occasion; they will be quite frank with you,and discuss family situations or deaths, or other personal issues openly. If you notice a problem related to Addiction: Be quite forthright with your supposition, ( Note not accusation) In the form of a question: “ I noticed your have missed three days of work last month, Do you have an alcohol or drug problem? “ (The wording is of course optional but the question should be asked: outright.) Await their response, and observe their reaction. Some might be shocked or offended, and some may offer another explanation for their behavior or deficit. If you find no progress in the personal assessment and interview, You may need wait and observe their behavior, Monitoring for any additional signs or
If it is obvious, Or they state: They are in fact wondering or admit they are having an addiction problem. ( Of course this depends on your organizations policies and procedures, and employees job capacity) You might offer them a stern but helpful alternative. Tell them what help is available and/ or
that they need to immediately address the issue, or their position will be in jeopardy. If they are obviously addicted and their behavior is placing the organization or others in harms way, You might have to discharge them, or suspend them for a period, and demand they seek assistance with the
problem. You can provide our contact information in either event. 267-7WE HELP (267-793-4357)
If; they are in fact addicted, and desire no help with their problem; IT may be best to simply terminate them. Over time, they will get progressively worse and place your company and others in greater danger. This action might also cause them to look seriously at their problem and seek resolution/
treatment or at least investigate the possibility that; they are; indeed sick.
Addiction is, in fact: a disease, much like: Cancer, Schizophrenia, Depression, and Arthritis….It is progressive and often fatal. It has both physical and mental symptoms, it can be diagnosed clinically and identified by it’s symptoms. Which include:
- Increased tolerance to the substance- By some strange mechanism in the physical body,
The addict begins to have an increased tolerance to the substance. The original dose des not bring the desired “effect.” i.e( Pain Pill- where one pill would bring pain relief, after a short period of usage, it will require a higher dosage to achieve the same level of relief,. So now 1.5 or 2 pills is required and again after a time 3-4 might be needed…..) With alcohol. The addict
might be able to consume amounts, which would hospitalize the average social drinker. ( they are often “proud “ of the amount they can consume.)
- Withdrawal physical and mental symptoms- A classic sign that addiction is present: When
the addicted attempts to stop usage of the substance, there is a phenomenon :”withdrawal” physically the heart rate can change, sickness and lethargy, or restless energy and hyperactivity, mentally; confusion, irritability, anger, sadness/depression, discontent. ( This is of course a cursory listing, there are many more symptoms which would appear) In extreme cases, there are hallucinations, and suicidal tendencies.
In fact, The addict will be resistant; to quit the use of the substance , because they have become reliant upon the effects produced: Euphoria, Energy, Lack of concern, …..They develop a mental obsession or fixation with the substance. They cannot get the thought “out of their head” Until they can once again, experience the effects produced by the substance.
They will often demonstrate many undesirable personality traits: Dishonesty, Unreasonable fear, and other behaviors to “protect” their usage. If approached, they can often become, defensive, and aggressive. ( again this is a summary list and many more exhibitions may manifest depending upon
the substance, and period of abuse)
The disease is progressive and many times fatal, at the very least it will eventually lead to Legal complications, Family and Work-related problems. The hopeful news is: This disease can be successfully treated. The behaviors eliminated, and over a period of time the addict can once again
become: a productive and loyal employee and member of society. They can acquire; Peace, contentment and joy, restore relations with family, friends, and work associates.

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