Monday, December 6, 2010

Is there a Gambling Addict: You Know?

Seems completely harmless: Some Internet Poker, A Weekly Poker Game, A Few Powerball tickets, A Quick stop by the Video Slots.....For most: it is not a problem, it is an enjoyable activity and entertainment. I personally play professional poker: Texas Hold' em. But when does a "hobby" become an all consuming obsession?
It will be difficult to tell: Most gamblers: do not discuss their' spending/playing habits openly, and the Gambling Addict; Themselves often has no idea they have " crossed the line" from; Activity to Addiction.
But there are some warning signs for the Addict themselves and their Loved ones:
1.) Do (You) or they spend money, you do not have or is budgeted for other "things". - If you have an ample discretionary income and budget a small amount of it  for "playing & entertainment" and are able to stick to that budget. You are most likely not a Gambling Addict. If you are putting up your vacation money or car payment, mortgage payment. There is definitely a problem. In Fact anything over 5% of income would send off alarm bells.
2.) If the money ( question 1) is spent: is there the thought, that it is an investment, or I am going to win this time? If you truly believe or entertain the notion of: "winning or profiting" from spending on gambling, you are the start of an obsession / preoccupation, In fact a poll among casual players: They felt the small amount, they were playing with was; "money tossed away or donated"- This group rarely entertains the notion of winning, They expressed they "hoped they would win , but really believed the truth, It was entertainment money and winning was only a remote possibility. Gambling Addicts generally believed: the "odds" were in their favor, or they were due for a win.
3.) Have you ever used an ATM or drawn money against a Credit Card to play: Gone over your budget? This is not referring to a one-time withdrawal to fund your budgeted expense money. A warning should be noted: if you use the ATM or Credit Card because you" ran out of money". One reason: It means you are going over your budgeted, spending money, Two: You are paying a fee (ATM) to generate "disposable" money, and If you are using a Credit card; not only are you paing a fee for Cash withdrawal, You are paying interest on the balance of what you withdraw.
4.) Do you spend more time than you planned to, a the local slots, or casino? If you have a budgeted your time to "play" and find: you are getting cell phone calls, and the family is ready to send a search party out... You may be involved in a mental obsession, and ignoring; other activities in your life and/or work related responsibilities, just to engage in gambling . This is a "red light" signal your "play" has gone past the casual social activity to a dangerous obsession. 
5.) Have you ever lied about your Play: Either in Money spent or Time spent playing? Darn right! You are entitled to some quality relaxation time! People are trying to call you and you put your cell phone on silent, or walk to the other room away from the machine noise...Maybe you tell a small white lie: " I'm on the way home." I'm at work an have to call you back later...I only spent $10.00 ( when you really spent $100.00). I'm winning and ahead? ( Did you really total up all your losses?) If you began lying; even casually You surely have a problem.Yes, even: If, it is so you do not get in a senseless argument with the spouse!
If you answered the above questions honestly; for yourself or a loved one, or associate, You can review your answers. Really: only you can decide when enough is enough.
I have conducted a small study here in my state. I have gone to various, small "casino" establishments and viewed the players. Most are retired and I watched them shovel in $ 20.00 Bill after 20.00 Bill, up to $ 300.00- $400.00 an hour. When, I left, I noted the vehicle they were driving; was older model and looked a bit neglected. When I spoke, with a few customers: They stated: they were on SSI, Or retirement income.
These establishments are on ever corner and there are as many as 100 in our small town. Most have vehicles filling the parking lots...Business is good for them. In Fact: they offer NO Food, or any other social activity they strictly have: Gambling. 
This area is economically depressed, Jobs: do not pay even the national average.So, Why would "they" want to put gambling "casinos" in an area where the income level was so poor? (Note the weird law the State generated was: "No advertisement could state these operations were Gambling establishments") Which means they were not going to be marketed to bring in tourists, They were targeted at the locals. ( Being it so only they (locals)  knew what these strange little places actually were. The marketing rationale: The poor ( Lower incomes)  will be enticed to play with the "promise " of potentially large winnings. It works Great!
What it  has generated here is an epidemic of Gambling addiction.
Signs and symptoms of Gambling Addiction:
  • Pre-occupation with the activity- Obsession like behavior 
  • Over spending budget
  • Hiding activity or spending and lying
  • Depression or mood changes- Anger, frustration...
  • Distance from loved ones Isolation
  • Talk about "winning it back"
  • Denial
  • Breaks promises to stop or limit their "play".
If you have concerns about yourself or a loved one, or associate: Contact us in complete privacy and confidentiality, at or email:

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