Tuesday, January 18, 2011

A new tilt on an the old "balance" thing

If you are recovering; You might have thought: " Great on the meetings and recovery thing; but I need some balance in my life".  You may be right or could be dead wrong.
Sure; we all want to move forward to other areas in our lives. We all have important things to do in: Business , career, Love, and Life. I'd like to throw up a little Caveat here:

Although, It may seem like an eternity ...Right Now! It is really a short time ,to spend, given the benefits of a firm foundation at the beginning of recovery. My belief is; that an excellent treatment center which uses a Holistic approach is best. I would recommend: Renaissance Malibu.( If you would like more information send me an email in complete confidence. ) I have been working with them, I admire their work and especially their diligent protection of client confidentiality, and individualized client care.

Once you make a start on recovery by attending their treatment program, You will ,more than likely, have recommendation for after- care program and a support network. Meetings are a part of the support.
I have heard some ridiculous things said about meetings recently. Like: " people are hiding out in meetings..people are dodging reality in meetings... or the best yet, People are relying upon meetings to stay sober or drug-free."
Pure unadulterated poppycock, balderdash...!

The twelve step meetings are not a refuge from reality. You have a one hour departure from day to day concerns about minutiae, and an opportunity to focus on life and living and gaining the more permanent and lasting satisfactions of Life. So the focus is on living.

The twelve step fellowships are indispensable as a support network. You do not "join" them; you engage in a new way of life. A daily program, so attendance daily ( if possible) is desirable The after-care group offers support and meets less frequently but again it is a short amount of time, to " shore' up your recovery, against relapse. You make friendships there and have activities with others and find a new type of joy working with newer people and growing.  I still attend almost everyday even after 20 years. I am not hinging on whether to relapse or not; It has become a welcome and most enjoyable part of my life.

As for balance: The life becomes " balanced" just to the same degree we stop reacting to life and start living it. It took time... Yes; But have found those things which come quickly or easily are not valued as much as those that took time and work. ( Dont believe checkout some stats on lottery winners It's appalling. Most have lost all the money and now are suffering)  Rushing headlong at: work, and material security, I have found wanting and as much as I earned, I always needed more. ( Not that material things do not have a proper place) Now I am satisfied with what I have and although I have a desire to accomplish more and earn more, It does not rule my life.

The balance has come with time and I must say: Life is quite Great! I am married for over 20 years, I have had and lost small fortunes, I could always use some more money, But, If it does not come, I will survive with less or work a bit more. So at least it is in the proper perspective. I have love and family and enjoyment.

I spend about 1 hour a day in meetings; Though, I spend a great deal of my personal also with people in recovery. Both oldtimers and newcomers. We have a great time and do many things together. Now I help others,( For Free)  as well as their family and businesses find: Freedom, Contentment and Joy. ( I would like to note I will not "define" the aforementioned because what You will find will be yours individually) .

So to conclude: Invest the measly few hours into the support network and meetings. The dividends will pay off handsomely. If you worry about the balance thing; Try this out:
1.) schedule 1 hour of your day for aftercare meetings or meetings in recovery
2.) balance this with whatever hours your professional or work requires make the money - but do not sacrifice the hour you scheduled in part 1.
3.) schedule ample time for sleep 6-8 hours, also allow time for eating 3 meals a day
4.) spend time with loved ones and family , schedule it and make it happen ( warning do not use this as an excuse to miss meeting and after care)

 Try to practice this "outline for living",  for a period of time. ( a Year or longer) I realize there could be so many more specifics posted here and examples, This is meant to be a general outline only. But try it.. See for yourself if it does lead to a balanced Life!

If you would like more information about Renaissance Malibu ...Please write I am the National Liaison for Individual and Corporate communication and scheduling intake and attendance. My service is Free of charge and completely confidential. RM does have charges for their program. I will be more than happy to tell you more.

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