Sunday, February 12, 2012

RIP Whitney Houston another victim. When will we admit this is a disease?

Today the world lost another wonderful talent; Whitney Houston. Though, the cause of death has not been authenticated/ determined, much of the media coverage is about the star's struggle without alcohol and drug addiction.
Thanks to the AMA ruling, that addiction is not a disease ( a politically solicited act paid for by the large insurance agencies, Medicine failed the common good and promulgated a lie, untruth, in direct opposition to the facts they possess.)
If anyone's death is caused by Alcoholism /Addiction there is almost no empathy, and even a hasty and harsh rush to judgement, that it could have been avoided. If the disease were; cancer or any other "Disease" there is sadness over the loss, compassion and understanding, and usually no judgement of the character of the victim.
Alcoholism/Addiction is not a lack of willpower, or moral fiber. It is not a "choice" by the victim. It is a real and tangible disease, but admission of such by professionals would come at a great cost ( outlined below) , combine this professional lack of diagnoses, with an overall public ignorance of Medicine in general, and especially alcohol and drug addiction, there is little wonder the victim is often blamed. It simply is not true.
Doctors receive very little professional training in Alcohol and Addiction Treatment, They also receive grossly inadequate training in Chronic pain management. So, by default , and by directives of insurers Medical Professionals are trained to be skeptical of the Victims of the Diseases of: Alcoholism, Addiction and those that suffer Chronic Pain go under treated. In fact, there is a new Psychological disorder, being exhibited by the medical professional community named: "opiophobia" - The Fear of prescribing painkillers needed to treat exacerbation and acute pain. The rationale of this course of action /inaction is logical when you consider the costs outlined below.
In the early 1980's Alcoholism and Addiction treatment were popular, and even the AMA categorized them as diseases in the DSM-IV -The Basic Tool of differential diagnosis and medical determination. Be classified as such insurance companies were bound to provide coverage, Treatment even became fashionable. But the Insurance companies were not pleased with the cost they had to bear to treat the diseases. So, through influence and money peddling to the AMA; they managed to convince the Doctors to change the classification to a disorder, and one of a largely self-inflicted nature and therefore treatment options and costs to insurance companies were greatly reduced. Treatment programs reduced their duration ( and cost) , Even Social Security would no longer accept that Alcoholism / Addiction qualified as a disease, given the AMA determination. This disqualified formerly qualified individual victims of this disease from receiving Social Security benefits. Even greater savings for the Government and Social Security expanded their savings by creating a rule: whereby, if Alcoholism /Addiction were part of any applicants past history they would disqualified on such basis from receiving any benefits. Immense savings, even if it it cost lives, and denied rightful recipients of their benefits. The Total Cost savings is in the Trillions of Dollars, and much of this was kicked back to politicians and Medical AMA professionals in earmarks and funding, as well as some extremely favorable anti malpractice lawsuit recovery legislation. ( Capped Limits on Lawsuits...)
The New " War On Drugs", is tied directly to the Prison Industry, as well as increased law enforcement budgets, and drunk driving yielding higher penalties and greater fines. The amount of money gained through prosecuting the diseased and imprisoning them is inestimable. Hundreds of trillions of extra dollars, not to mention more Police Power over the rights of the individual. ( Basically, the Fourth amendment is now largely theoretical. Road blocks, Sobriety Check Points, and Soon Testing of welfare recipients, unemployment beneficiaries for drugs and alcohol.) So, Not only the financial incentives, but the power of Government is at stake.
Disease is defined -"a disordered or incorrectly functioning organ, part, structure, or system of the body resulting from the effect of genetic or developmental errors, infection, poisons, ..." Alcohol;
in the Alcoholic, is metabolically processed differently in the Alcoholic' body. Alcoholism can be predetermined by examining the DNA for a missing Chromosome. It has symptoms, and also has progression, and is lethal in most instances (either directly of indirectly by auto accidents, accidents)...The AMA Formerly acknowledged it was a disease. But aside from the aforementioned incentives to declassify it is as a disease, The Doctors had no treatment protocol that worked for treatment, No Pharmacological ( and profitable) Cure to promote and the exposure of Medical Professionals to " Malpractice for failure to treat properly". They had to abandon the classification even though, factually, it was untrue. 
Addiction/ Drug Addiction- can be tested and actually created/simulated..Simply administer Narcotics, opiates, Barbiturates.....Etc, in increasing dosage over a period of time, and then abruptly stop administering the dosage and monitor the bodies vital signs: Withdrawal will occur and in some cases ( the Addict) The withdrawal symptoms will be Life Threatening...Also, in ( the Addict) The Tolerance threshold for medicinal dosages cannot be reached, these levels would kill a Non- Addict or Normal individual.
This is the primary reason why Doctors are reluctant to properly treat pain also, For Fear they are "feeding an Addict's Addiction" ( which oddly enough would be construed as treatment,if followed up with a supervised Medical reduction program coupled with Treatment for the Disease Addiction.) The end result:
Chronic Pain Patients and those with Chronic Pain Conditions and Flare-Ups are viewed as despicable and desperate Drug seekers/ Frequent fliers/Malingerers at Medical treatment facilities, The Doctors ignorance spills over to the nursing staff, and Chronic pain patients are often subject to unnecessary and Illegal suffering.
The Doctors expose themselves to an underused Legal Cause of Action, here though; and hopefully, more patients will sue for justice, and attention to their needs, and the Medical Professions' own failure to comply with their Mission Directive and Oath of Medical Professionals: That being " To not allow needless suffering."

There is a great deal of work to be done and many issues which can be addressed, But begin with informing the Public: Alcoholism/ Addiction are Lethal Diseases, and their victims die every day. Whitney Houston suffered and struggled with this disease, which shows; as a disease, Alcoholism/Addiction, is no respecter of Wealth, Success, Gender, Talent, Positions, Will power, Drive......It is as powerful, perhaps more powerful than Other diseases, and the VICTIMS need compassion, understanding and proper Medical Treatment, Not Ridicule, Harsh Judgement, Lectures, imprisonment, Marginalization and Ignorance. It is prevalent in our society: Most families have a victim in their immediate or extended family and Nationally Tens of Millions are affected/afflicted.
Do not let this FRAUD by the AMA, Doctors, Government, Leave victims to needlessly die. Educate Inform advocate and treat, and work towards a cure or recovery. Millions are in recovery, But None of them of will tell you they are "cured". They live with the disease, and die with the disease. But during their lifetimes, they can, and do contribute, and can be the most highly respectable, successful, and artistic contributors in our society. Just Like our Dear Whitney Houston, who will be sorely missed by millions. Dare not judge her for her disease and its symptoms, but look to her success and life and consider the love and loss her family is experiencing. If Alcoholism /Addiction was the cause of her death: Does any reasonable person believe: she would choose it?
Demand the Truth from The AMA, DHHR, US Government.......Thousand of our Veterans are returning home and also suffer without any compassion or treatment. This is too important to let go! Not another life need be lost!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

A new tilt on an the old "balance" thing

If you are recovering; You might have thought: " Great on the meetings and recovery thing; but I need some balance in my life".  You may be right or could be dead wrong.
Sure; we all want to move forward to other areas in our lives. We all have important things to do in: Business , career, Love, and Life. I'd like to throw up a little Caveat here:

Although, It may seem like an eternity ...Right Now! It is really a short time ,to spend, given the benefits of a firm foundation at the beginning of recovery. My belief is; that an excellent treatment center which uses a Holistic approach is best. I would recommend: Renaissance Malibu.( If you would like more information send me an email in complete confidence. ) I have been working with them, I admire their work and especially their diligent protection of client confidentiality, and individualized client care.

Once you make a start on recovery by attending their treatment program, You will ,more than likely, have recommendation for after- care program and a support network. Meetings are a part of the support.
I have heard some ridiculous things said about meetings recently. Like: " people are hiding out in meetings..people are dodging reality in meetings... or the best yet, People are relying upon meetings to stay sober or drug-free."
Pure unadulterated poppycock, balderdash...!

The twelve step meetings are not a refuge from reality. You have a one hour departure from day to day concerns about minutiae, and an opportunity to focus on life and living and gaining the more permanent and lasting satisfactions of Life. So the focus is on living.

The twelve step fellowships are indispensable as a support network. You do not "join" them; you engage in a new way of life. A daily program, so attendance daily ( if possible) is desirable The after-care group offers support and meets less frequently but again it is a short amount of time, to " shore' up your recovery, against relapse. You make friendships there and have activities with others and find a new type of joy working with newer people and growing.  I still attend almost everyday even after 20 years. I am not hinging on whether to relapse or not; It has become a welcome and most enjoyable part of my life.

As for balance: The life becomes " balanced" just to the same degree we stop reacting to life and start living it. It took time... Yes; But have found those things which come quickly or easily are not valued as much as those that took time and work. ( Dont believe checkout some stats on lottery winners It's appalling. Most have lost all the money and now are suffering)  Rushing headlong at: work, and material security, I have found wanting and as much as I earned, I always needed more. ( Not that material things do not have a proper place) Now I am satisfied with what I have and although I have a desire to accomplish more and earn more, It does not rule my life.

The balance has come with time and I must say: Life is quite Great! I am married for over 20 years, I have had and lost small fortunes, I could always use some more money, But, If it does not come, I will survive with less or work a bit more. So at least it is in the proper perspective. I have love and family and enjoyment.

I spend about 1 hour a day in meetings; Though, I spend a great deal of my personal also with people in recovery. Both oldtimers and newcomers. We have a great time and do many things together. Now I help others,( For Free)  as well as their family and businesses find: Freedom, Contentment and Joy. ( I would like to note I will not "define" the aforementioned because what You will find will be yours individually) .

So to conclude: Invest the measly few hours into the support network and meetings. The dividends will pay off handsomely. If you worry about the balance thing; Try this out:
1.) schedule 1 hour of your day for aftercare meetings or meetings in recovery
2.) balance this with whatever hours your professional or work requires make the money - but do not sacrifice the hour you scheduled in part 1.
3.) schedule ample time for sleep 6-8 hours, also allow time for eating 3 meals a day
4.) spend time with loved ones and family , schedule it and make it happen ( warning do not use this as an excuse to miss meeting and after care)

 Try to practice this "outline for living",  for a period of time. ( a Year or longer) I realize there could be so many more specifics posted here and examples, This is meant to be a general outline only. But try it.. See for yourself if it does lead to a balanced Life!

If you would like more information about Renaissance Malibu ...Please write I am the National Liaison for Individual and Corporate communication and scheduling intake and attendance. My service is Free of charge and completely confidential. RM does have charges for their program. I will be more than happy to tell you more.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Prescription Drug Abuse..On the Rise? Or Reincarnation of War on Drugs?

Watched the local news last night: Headline was: "Increased efforts by Law enforcement to crack down on prescription drug abuse". I did not "buy it". There has been no more increase in prescription drug abuse than there has been an increase in alcoholism. So why the hype?

In the 80's there was the : "Just say No":  campaign, which showed the complete ignorance of the body politic of drug addiction and alcoholism. Coincidentally that was also the period of the treatment center boon. Alcoholism and drug addiction were; "qualified disabilities" by the Social Security administration guidelines. In Rhode Island alone there were as many as 8 Treatment centers for drug and alcohol abuse. Nationally, there were staggering numbers of these facilities opening their doors, with prices tags ranging from $26000.00 to $48,000.00 from a 28 day stay. It appeared Alcoholics and Addicts were "un-mined" Gold.

In The Mid to Late 1980's there was a Federally funded  program : "The War on Drugs" started. It targeted the large drug dealers of Columbia and South America and their associates in the States. In short it failed miserably. But it led to the discovery that: There was more money in arresting and jailing alcoholics and drug addicts than there was in treating them.

MADD stepped up their efforts and managed to gain some power and "took out" , the; probable cause law from the legal system. Law enforcement could stop at will any driver they thought was "suspicious". Of course any person out in the evening on a Friday or Saturday night was suspicious. Also, the level of intoxication by breathalyzer reading was also lowered and has been ever since. The penalties for drunk driving or Driving under the influence was raised to lengthy jail sentences. ( The last I was aware of, was 25 years for third offense DUI). New jails were built and an entire industry of arresting alcoholics and addicts was born. Coincidentally< The alcoholics and addicts were now disqualified from Disability benefits: by the very fact of they were alcoholic or drug addicted at any time, in their past.> Strange, It was no longer a "disease": but now a matter of lacking morals, and a matter of choice: bad choice.

What happened to the War on Drugs? Well by all appearances, minus the occasional arrest of a drug kingpin, which made the news, It all but died. But alas: witness it's rebirth.....In the beginning It was re focused on the minority neighborhoods, and the small meth and crack dealers. Mostly underprivileged youth looking for a " shortcut" to the American dream. The arrest of the " small" dealers had literally no effect on the drug distribution in any area. One would be arrested, and three would take their place.But it jailed many; mostly minorities who could not get adequate legal representation.

The new" rise" in prescription drug abuse? Prescription drug abuse has been around for a long, long time.  The abusers are addicts plain and simple. But why the sudden focus, like it is a new trend?

Big Money! Law enforcement has been arresting Doctors, and patients. ( The privilege of Doctor /Patient confidentiality has been eradicated)  The DEA monitors prescriptions dispensed and views the Doctor's Medical recommendations through the lens of : " Community Norms" .

To explain this new criteria: "Community Norms". It is oversimplified here but will summarize the theory: If all the average people in an area, being treated by physician for chronic pain, require 3 Ibuprofen for their Pain management: This becomes the community Norm. So, In essence if a patient presents with a sprained ankle or broken finger, It is the same, in this view, as: Cancer patients, and Other chronic pain disorders. When a Doctor attempts to treat their more serious pain patients conditions, by prescribing any Class of medication other than OTC pain control. . It triggers a " Red Flag"  with Law enforcement. The Doctor has to be able to " explain" their treatment and prescribing practices or face the " inquisition" of any number of Law enforcement agencies and possibly be arrested.

Little wonder most Doctors, are frightened, and hesitant to attempt to treat serious pain patients, with debilitating conditions. The patients can find No relief for their condition, and often are discarded, and forced to go to local Emergency rooms to get temporary pain relief. Spoke with a physician the other day: They stated: " they do not dispense any Pain medication whatsoever, regardless the condition".  Could anyone blame them? Doctors generally have money, and targeting them < is pure Profit genius at work.

This is not say; there Does not exist a serious problem with the abuse of prescription drugs. There is and it has been around for a very long time. The abusers are drug addicts: The medication prescribed; can form a dependency in any person, and addiction to the "med" is often a realistic outcome for many. But this requires medical monitoring and treatment and education. Not arrests of Doctors and patients.

Though the Illegal sale of the prescribed medication, by patients;  is, and should be, qualified as a crime. Law enforcement has found the " Golden Cow"  for funding the "War On Drugs" all over again. Increased budgets for building a force of agents, and stiffer sentences for those who violate the Law. More jails and more jobs for correctional officers. It is completely understandable and to an effect; desirable. We all want a "safer" community and one free of drugs and illegal activities. But drug addicts are physically sick people, who need treatment.

Though "they" may be a "collateral damage" factor, when estimating the need for enforcement.There seems to be no apparent reduction of drug addiction, by these efforts. Only a Fearful Medical community; not willing to treat their patients, with medical procedures and prescription medication, when such is indicated. There is also a  large group of chronic pain patients who suffer needlessly because of the " community norm" model.
The Patient /Doctor confidentiality privilege needs to be maintained. If not: patients in agonizing pain will seek remedy by illegal means or any means necessary for relief. Thus fueling the Illegal Sale of prescription drugs or a rise in alcohol abuse.

Having no privilege of confidentiality: What drug addict or alcoholic,( seeking help) in their right mind, would mention their activities  to a Doctor; who might report them to Law enforcement? Remember most of them. do not believe they are addicted or even have a problem. So, the addiction problem grows, and alcohol abuse will rise as Pain Patients will seek relief through readily available and Legal means.

This blog is not an attack on the Law enforcement efforts, It is a request to review the actions and consider: Medical conditions need Medical treatment. History provides a lesson: Prohibition brought about an entire industry of "underground" methods to get alcohol. Yet did not curb American's desire for alcohol. This effort is creating a similar situation. Some States now have doctors who are setting up shop: Take a quick MRI and then prescribe Narcotics, to patients, collect a nice little profit and "treat" the next " patient" . Sort of the modern day: " speakeasy".

Though, certain there are no easy answers; treatment is surely needed, as well as education about Addiction and Dependency. The illegal activities do need " shut down" and prosecuted.Law enforcement needs support to assist their efforts. An community that is aware, and educated can provide such assistance.

While the budget for arresting and jailing offenders has grown, There have been sharp cut-backs in available funding for Treatment and Education of the Addicts and Community. Hopefully this will be reviewed.

Addiction and Alcoholism are real Medical diseases and require treatment. "They" were correct in earlier decades in the AMA stating such. The change took place because no one had any idea of the gravity of the problem. ( and of course there were those who used the system to get a Free ride.) So the AMA rescinded their previous declaration of " disease". Now the " disease" has reached epidemic proportions, and treatment is " classified: as "self-help/self improvement."

If you or a loved one are Taking prescription meds or experiencing a lack of control with alcohol or gambling or any other compulsive behavior. There is help available. In complete confidence. Contact Us Today. Our service is Free! A New life can be found through a Holistic approach Treatment ( One that includes Medical evaluation and alternative therapies geared towards your total health; through an individually developed treatment plan.) We can guide you. There is hope!

Monday, December 6, 2010

Is there a Gambling Addict: You Know?

Seems completely harmless: Some Internet Poker, A Weekly Poker Game, A Few Powerball tickets, A Quick stop by the Video Slots.....For most: it is not a problem, it is an enjoyable activity and entertainment. I personally play professional poker: Texas Hold' em. But when does a "hobby" become an all consuming obsession?
It will be difficult to tell: Most gamblers: do not discuss their' spending/playing habits openly, and the Gambling Addict; Themselves often has no idea they have " crossed the line" from; Activity to Addiction.
But there are some warning signs for the Addict themselves and their Loved ones:
1.) Do (You) or they spend money, you do not have or is budgeted for other "things". - If you have an ample discretionary income and budget a small amount of it  for "playing & entertainment" and are able to stick to that budget. You are most likely not a Gambling Addict. If you are putting up your vacation money or car payment, mortgage payment. There is definitely a problem. In Fact anything over 5% of income would send off alarm bells.
2.) If the money ( question 1) is spent: is there the thought, that it is an investment, or I am going to win this time? If you truly believe or entertain the notion of: "winning or profiting" from spending on gambling, you are the start of an obsession / preoccupation, In fact a poll among casual players: They felt the small amount, they were playing with was; "money tossed away or donated"- This group rarely entertains the notion of winning, They expressed they "hoped they would win , but really believed the truth, It was entertainment money and winning was only a remote possibility. Gambling Addicts generally believed: the "odds" were in their favor, or they were due for a win.
3.) Have you ever used an ATM or drawn money against a Credit Card to play: Gone over your budget? This is not referring to a one-time withdrawal to fund your budgeted expense money. A warning should be noted: if you use the ATM or Credit Card because you" ran out of money". One reason: It means you are going over your budgeted, spending money, Two: You are paying a fee (ATM) to generate "disposable" money, and If you are using a Credit card; not only are you paing a fee for Cash withdrawal, You are paying interest on the balance of what you withdraw.
4.) Do you spend more time than you planned to, a the local slots, or casino? If you have a budgeted your time to "play" and find: you are getting cell phone calls, and the family is ready to send a search party out... You may be involved in a mental obsession, and ignoring; other activities in your life and/or work related responsibilities, just to engage in gambling . This is a "red light" signal your "play" has gone past the casual social activity to a dangerous obsession. 
5.) Have you ever lied about your Play: Either in Money spent or Time spent playing? Darn right! You are entitled to some quality relaxation time! People are trying to call you and you put your cell phone on silent, or walk to the other room away from the machine noise...Maybe you tell a small white lie: " I'm on the way home." I'm at work an have to call you back later...I only spent $10.00 ( when you really spent $100.00). I'm winning and ahead? ( Did you really total up all your losses?) If you began lying; even casually You surely have a problem.Yes, even: If, it is so you do not get in a senseless argument with the spouse!
If you answered the above questions honestly; for yourself or a loved one, or associate, You can review your answers. Really: only you can decide when enough is enough.
I have conducted a small study here in my state. I have gone to various, small "casino" establishments and viewed the players. Most are retired and I watched them shovel in $ 20.00 Bill after 20.00 Bill, up to $ 300.00- $400.00 an hour. When, I left, I noted the vehicle they were driving; was older model and looked a bit neglected. When I spoke, with a few customers: They stated: they were on SSI, Or retirement income.
These establishments are on ever corner and there are as many as 100 in our small town. Most have vehicles filling the parking lots...Business is good for them. In Fact: they offer NO Food, or any other social activity they strictly have: Gambling. 
This area is economically depressed, Jobs: do not pay even the national average.So, Why would "they" want to put gambling "casinos" in an area where the income level was so poor? (Note the weird law the State generated was: "No advertisement could state these operations were Gambling establishments") Which means they were not going to be marketed to bring in tourists, They were targeted at the locals. ( Being it so only they (locals)  knew what these strange little places actually were. The marketing rationale: The poor ( Lower incomes)  will be enticed to play with the "promise " of potentially large winnings. It works Great!
What it  has generated here is an epidemic of Gambling addiction.
Signs and symptoms of Gambling Addiction:
  • Pre-occupation with the activity- Obsession like behavior 
  • Over spending budget
  • Hiding activity or spending and lying
  • Depression or mood changes- Anger, frustration...
  • Distance from loved ones Isolation
  • Talk about "winning it back"
  • Denial
  • Breaks promises to stop or limit their "play".
If you have concerns about yourself or a loved one, or associate: Contact us in complete privacy and confidentiality, at or email:

Friday, December 3, 2010

Is There an Addiction Problem in your Business?

Is addiction or Professional Burn-out in your organization? Best to find out before the costs accumulate.
Not only is there the humanitarian interest; the cost to a business: the loss of a trained and
productive employee can be considerable.
I am a Professional Addictions Consultant: I am available to your organization for consultation with Management, and Owners, and Human resource departments. I can also provide: workshops, and guest lecturers; to speak to your employees, managers, or group. These speakers are experts in their respective fields and part of my network. They Include Medical Doctors, Research PhD’s,Practitioners, Inspirational and Motivational speakers, Authors, and Celebrities: Who can educate motivate and intervene.
I am also a Treatment Liaison, for many of the Treatment centers nationwide. I am available to visit your location and conduct casual assessments, and develop Your organization’s plan for eliminating the problem, help you to identify potential problems and provide you with literature and direct contact referral: for those you suspect are having difficulties: all in complete confidentiality.
I have over 20 years in the Alcohol/ Addiction Treatment field and an impressive success rate with clients, both business and addicts / alcoholics themselves.
A New area we have been working in is: “Professional Burn-out” we have discovered this to be a growing problem in many High-stress or performance related positions: High Level Executives,Business Owners, Judges, Lawyers, Sales Staff, Firefighters, Law Enforcement…Of course this is an area which requires the strictest adherence to complete confidentiality, and You will find we have Never, had a breach! These individuals are often difficult to approach given their position and what exposure could mean in terms of loss. Our Professional Burn-out Program is tailor-made for these individuals, and addresses the causes and works from a Holistic approach to remedy the problem.
Including: Medical evaluation and alternative therapies.
So Who is the Addict?: In some instances this will be quite obvious, but more than likely “they” have been able to avoid detection. “They” are not being purposefully deceptive: They are often unaware themselves; (What
they believed to be recreational enjoyment is actually the early stages of addiction.) 
** ( Addiction will be the term used from this point forward to address both: Drug Addiction and or Alcoholism). 
One component of the disease, almost universal, is: “Denial”. The addicted justifies their behavior and ignores warning signs there might exist a problem. Being an Employer, this makes the task of identifying “troubled” employees even more difficult. Some warning signs to watch for:
- Frequent tardiness or missing work
- Lethargy or loss of interest, maybe loss of their normal humor or lack of social engagements
- Decrease in work productivity or work quality; missed deadlines…
- Changes in behavior, attitude or occasionally physical signs, appearance, grooming,
shakiness, nervous energy, isolation
- Smell of alcohol, or heavy masking scents cologne, perfume, mouthwash, mints,etc.
The list is by no means comprehensive just some basic signs, that might be observed. The most definitive parameter: would be changes in work product and other “Changes” you might observe.
You, more than likely conduct periodic performance reviews or directly observe employees work habits. As part of such review you might need to get a bit: ”personal” and ask questions tactfully about any problems the employee might be experiencing. On Occasion; they will be quite frank with you,and discuss family situations or deaths, or other personal issues openly. If you notice a problem related to Addiction: Be quite forthright with your supposition, ( Note not accusation) In the form of a question: “ I noticed your have missed three days of work last month, Do you have an alcohol or drug problem? “ (The wording is of course optional but the question should be asked: outright.) Await their response, and observe their reaction. Some might be shocked or offended, and some may offer another explanation for their behavior or deficit. If you find no progress in the personal assessment and interview, You may need wait and observe their behavior, Monitoring for any additional signs or
If it is obvious, Or they state: They are in fact wondering or admit they are having an addiction problem. ( Of course this depends on your organizations policies and procedures, and employees job capacity) You might offer them a stern but helpful alternative. Tell them what help is available and/ or
that they need to immediately address the issue, or their position will be in jeopardy. If they are obviously addicted and their behavior is placing the organization or others in harms way, You might have to discharge them, or suspend them for a period, and demand they seek assistance with the
problem. You can provide our contact information in either event. 267-7WE HELP (267-793-4357)
If; they are in fact addicted, and desire no help with their problem; IT may be best to simply terminate them. Over time, they will get progressively worse and place your company and others in greater danger. This action might also cause them to look seriously at their problem and seek resolution/
treatment or at least investigate the possibility that; they are; indeed sick.
Addiction is, in fact: a disease, much like: Cancer, Schizophrenia, Depression, and Arthritis….It is progressive and often fatal. It has both physical and mental symptoms, it can be diagnosed clinically and identified by it’s symptoms. Which include:
- Increased tolerance to the substance- By some strange mechanism in the physical body,
The addict begins to have an increased tolerance to the substance. The original dose des not bring the desired “effect.” i.e( Pain Pill- where one pill would bring pain relief, after a short period of usage, it will require a higher dosage to achieve the same level of relief,. So now 1.5 or 2 pills is required and again after a time 3-4 might be needed…..) With alcohol. The addict
might be able to consume amounts, which would hospitalize the average social drinker. ( they are often “proud “ of the amount they can consume.)
- Withdrawal physical and mental symptoms- A classic sign that addiction is present: When
the addicted attempts to stop usage of the substance, there is a phenomenon :”withdrawal” physically the heart rate can change, sickness and lethargy, or restless energy and hyperactivity, mentally; confusion, irritability, anger, sadness/depression, discontent. ( This is of course a cursory listing, there are many more symptoms which would appear) In extreme cases, there are hallucinations, and suicidal tendencies.
In fact, The addict will be resistant; to quit the use of the substance , because they have become reliant upon the effects produced: Euphoria, Energy, Lack of concern, …..They develop a mental obsession or fixation with the substance. They cannot get the thought “out of their head” Until they can once again, experience the effects produced by the substance.
They will often demonstrate many undesirable personality traits: Dishonesty, Unreasonable fear, and other behaviors to “protect” their usage. If approached, they can often become, defensive, and aggressive. ( again this is a summary list and many more exhibitions may manifest depending upon
the substance, and period of abuse)
The disease is progressive and many times fatal, at the very least it will eventually lead to Legal complications, Family and Work-related problems. The hopeful news is: This disease can be successfully treated. The behaviors eliminated, and over a period of time the addict can once again
become: a productive and loyal employee and member of society. They can acquire; Peace, contentment and joy, restore relations with family, friends, and work associates.

Todays Observance of Inadequate Recovery Treatment Addiction & Alcoholism

Today : I had a chance to visit with some new Girls in Recovery House locally. I was taken aback when I realized how really lost they were. They seemed to have no direction and no idea what they being treated for. Yet; They all had individual counselors assigned.
Seems like the typical protocol has been to refer to 12 step meetings and let " them figure it out". Then report back to the counselor what they have discovered. Thankfully they were finding some support at the 12 step meetings, but it seemed like the counselors, were doing nothing more than journaling client' activities. . I  found this to be plain sad. So; I did I as normally do. I took some time and helped explain to the girls some basic things about the meetings and recovery in general. . Then listened to them describe their difficulties.I offered some suggestions and left my phone number for contact. ( Urging them to use it.) I also provided several other people's numbers for contacts. 
It occurred to me to this practice is not limited to the local area, it is a national trend. Certified counselors are dropping the ball ( Not all of course but far too many) They are not individualizing treatment programs for the client : They are short-cutting to the " one size fits all ( Least amount of work ) route.
Clients deserve the best of our ability and all of our effort. We need be up to date with information and alternatives, and consults with Medical and Holistic Practitioners. Clients deserve every effort we can make to hlp them change their lives.