Sunday, February 12, 2012

RIP Whitney Houston another victim. When will we admit this is a disease?

Today the world lost another wonderful talent; Whitney Houston. Though, the cause of death has not been authenticated/ determined, much of the media coverage is about the star's struggle without alcohol and drug addiction.
Thanks to the AMA ruling, that addiction is not a disease ( a politically solicited act paid for by the large insurance agencies, Medicine failed the common good and promulgated a lie, untruth, in direct opposition to the facts they possess.)
If anyone's death is caused by Alcoholism /Addiction there is almost no empathy, and even a hasty and harsh rush to judgement, that it could have been avoided. If the disease were; cancer or any other "Disease" there is sadness over the loss, compassion and understanding, and usually no judgement of the character of the victim.
Alcoholism/Addiction is not a lack of willpower, or moral fiber. It is not a "choice" by the victim. It is a real and tangible disease, but admission of such by professionals would come at a great cost ( outlined below) , combine this professional lack of diagnoses, with an overall public ignorance of Medicine in general, and especially alcohol and drug addiction, there is little wonder the victim is often blamed. It simply is not true.
Doctors receive very little professional training in Alcohol and Addiction Treatment, They also receive grossly inadequate training in Chronic pain management. So, by default , and by directives of insurers Medical Professionals are trained to be skeptical of the Victims of the Diseases of: Alcoholism, Addiction and those that suffer Chronic Pain go under treated. In fact, there is a new Psychological disorder, being exhibited by the medical professional community named: "opiophobia" - The Fear of prescribing painkillers needed to treat exacerbation and acute pain. The rationale of this course of action /inaction is logical when you consider the costs outlined below.
In the early 1980's Alcoholism and Addiction treatment were popular, and even the AMA categorized them as diseases in the DSM-IV -The Basic Tool of differential diagnosis and medical determination. Be classified as such insurance companies were bound to provide coverage, Treatment even became fashionable. But the Insurance companies were not pleased with the cost they had to bear to treat the diseases. So, through influence and money peddling to the AMA; they managed to convince the Doctors to change the classification to a disorder, and one of a largely self-inflicted nature and therefore treatment options and costs to insurance companies were greatly reduced. Treatment programs reduced their duration ( and cost) , Even Social Security would no longer accept that Alcoholism / Addiction qualified as a disease, given the AMA determination. This disqualified formerly qualified individual victims of this disease from receiving Social Security benefits. Even greater savings for the Government and Social Security expanded their savings by creating a rule: whereby, if Alcoholism /Addiction were part of any applicants past history they would disqualified on such basis from receiving any benefits. Immense savings, even if it it cost lives, and denied rightful recipients of their benefits. The Total Cost savings is in the Trillions of Dollars, and much of this was kicked back to politicians and Medical AMA professionals in earmarks and funding, as well as some extremely favorable anti malpractice lawsuit recovery legislation. ( Capped Limits on Lawsuits...)
The New " War On Drugs", is tied directly to the Prison Industry, as well as increased law enforcement budgets, and drunk driving yielding higher penalties and greater fines. The amount of money gained through prosecuting the diseased and imprisoning them is inestimable. Hundreds of trillions of extra dollars, not to mention more Police Power over the rights of the individual. ( Basically, the Fourth amendment is now largely theoretical. Road blocks, Sobriety Check Points, and Soon Testing of welfare recipients, unemployment beneficiaries for drugs and alcohol.) So, Not only the financial incentives, but the power of Government is at stake.
Disease is defined -"a disordered or incorrectly functioning organ, part, structure, or system of the body resulting from the effect of genetic or developmental errors, infection, poisons, ..." Alcohol;
in the Alcoholic, is metabolically processed differently in the Alcoholic' body. Alcoholism can be predetermined by examining the DNA for a missing Chromosome. It has symptoms, and also has progression, and is lethal in most instances (either directly of indirectly by auto accidents, accidents)...The AMA Formerly acknowledged it was a disease. But aside from the aforementioned incentives to declassify it is as a disease, The Doctors had no treatment protocol that worked for treatment, No Pharmacological ( and profitable) Cure to promote and the exposure of Medical Professionals to " Malpractice for failure to treat properly". They had to abandon the classification even though, factually, it was untrue. 
Addiction/ Drug Addiction- can be tested and actually created/simulated..Simply administer Narcotics, opiates, Barbiturates.....Etc, in increasing dosage over a period of time, and then abruptly stop administering the dosage and monitor the bodies vital signs: Withdrawal will occur and in some cases ( the Addict) The withdrawal symptoms will be Life Threatening...Also, in ( the Addict) The Tolerance threshold for medicinal dosages cannot be reached, these levels would kill a Non- Addict or Normal individual.
This is the primary reason why Doctors are reluctant to properly treat pain also, For Fear they are "feeding an Addict's Addiction" ( which oddly enough would be construed as treatment,if followed up with a supervised Medical reduction program coupled with Treatment for the Disease Addiction.) The end result:
Chronic Pain Patients and those with Chronic Pain Conditions and Flare-Ups are viewed as despicable and desperate Drug seekers/ Frequent fliers/Malingerers at Medical treatment facilities, The Doctors ignorance spills over to the nursing staff, and Chronic pain patients are often subject to unnecessary and Illegal suffering.
The Doctors expose themselves to an underused Legal Cause of Action, here though; and hopefully, more patients will sue for justice, and attention to their needs, and the Medical Professions' own failure to comply with their Mission Directive and Oath of Medical Professionals: That being " To not allow needless suffering."

There is a great deal of work to be done and many issues which can be addressed, But begin with informing the Public: Alcoholism/ Addiction are Lethal Diseases, and their victims die every day. Whitney Houston suffered and struggled with this disease, which shows; as a disease, Alcoholism/Addiction, is no respecter of Wealth, Success, Gender, Talent, Positions, Will power, Drive......It is as powerful, perhaps more powerful than Other diseases, and the VICTIMS need compassion, understanding and proper Medical Treatment, Not Ridicule, Harsh Judgement, Lectures, imprisonment, Marginalization and Ignorance. It is prevalent in our society: Most families have a victim in their immediate or extended family and Nationally Tens of Millions are affected/afflicted.
Do not let this FRAUD by the AMA, Doctors, Government, Leave victims to needlessly die. Educate Inform advocate and treat, and work towards a cure or recovery. Millions are in recovery, But None of them of will tell you they are "cured". They live with the disease, and die with the disease. But during their lifetimes, they can, and do contribute, and can be the most highly respectable, successful, and artistic contributors in our society. Just Like our Dear Whitney Houston, who will be sorely missed by millions. Dare not judge her for her disease and its symptoms, but look to her success and life and consider the love and loss her family is experiencing. If Alcoholism /Addiction was the cause of her death: Does any reasonable person believe: she would choose it?
Demand the Truth from The AMA, DHHR, US Government.......Thousand of our Veterans are returning home and also suffer without any compassion or treatment. This is too important to let go! Not another life need be lost!